A week and two days after getting his concussion, Jordan was invited to go to the Texas State Fair with some friends of ours. The Texas State Fair is a BIG DEAL, so he really wanted to go and hang out with his friends. So we let him go, but we forgot to tell our friends to make sure that he took it easy. A few hours later, we got a call from our friend. He told us that Jordan had ridden on a ride that spun him around really fast. That wasn't a very good idea after suffering a concussion. His equilibrium was already jacked up pretty good. Our friend told us that Jordan had been throwing up for about 15 minutes. I told him to just watch him, to keep him off of any more rides, and I apologized for not remembering to let him know that before they left. After a few minutes Jordan was fine.
Later that week, we went to the State Fair as a family. Like I said, the State Fair of Texas is a very big deal. It's a blast! We ate a bunch of fried stuff, saw the animals, rode a few rides, and just enjoyed hanging out together as a family. While we were walking around the Midway, Jordan started smiling and pointing at a trash can. He said, "Hey! That is the trash can where I threw up!!" He was so proud, and as you can see in the picture above he felt a lot better than he did the first time he was leaning over that can. So, being the kind the Dad that I am, I wanted to take a picture of Jordan by "his" trash can. At the time I just thought it would be a cool picture to throw up on Facebook or something, but when I started thinking about it a little more it reminded me of something deeper.
There have been several times in my life where I felt like Jordan did that day at the trash can. I wasn't sick physically, but I was emotionally and spiritually. I had come to a place in my life where it was time to "throw up!" I had been holding down secrets, failures, mistakes, pain, bitterness, resentment, and issues from my past that were making me sick in my present. Some of the issues had happened to me and were beyond my control, but many of them were issues that I had caused myself. They were issues that had hurt and effected me personally, and people that I loved. So, I came clean! I let it all out! I THREW UP!
In the middle of those moments I remember feeling horrible. It felt like life was closing in all around me, and that I would never be well. At the same time it felt good. I felt like Jordan did that day at the fair. I needed a place where I could let it all out, and when I let it out, I felt relief! And just like our friend helped Jordan find the trash can that day at the fair, the Lord led me to places and people where I could safely get it all out. I threw up with mentors, professional counselors (yes it's plural), a few friends I could trust, and especially my amazing grace filled wife, Donna. I let it out!
The Bible says in James 5:16, "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." Isn't that a beautiful verse? James encourages us to "let it out" and to pray with one another as we do get it all out. Why? James says that when we finally let it out, we can live out our lives together "whole and healed!" What a liberating promise! When we choose to confess and release our mistakes and issues with someone else, we can experience healing. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit brought a wife, family, mentors, counselors, and friends into my life that were willing to "throw up" with me, so that we could truly begin to live out our lives together "whole and healed."
I have moments now in my life where I can look back like Jordan did when we went to the fair that day. When he saw that trash can, he remembered the exact place, moment, and time that he threw up. He was able to smile big and laugh about it because he wasn't sick anymore. When I look back at those moments in my life and remember the moment, place, and time that I threw up my issues and failures I can smile too. I'm not sick anymore! Of course, at the moment it wasn't pleasant at all, but today as I look back I can smile because I am becoming "whole" and "healing" more and more everyday.
Are sick from the secrets, failures, or issues from your past? I hope you will take Jame's advice, "Throw it up!" Let it out! Sure it will be difficult and hard at first, but what a promise for you to claim today. When you finally let it all out you can be "whole and healed!"
Donna and I want to encourage you and emphasize the importance of finding a safe place with people that you can trust. There are great counselors, organizations, and people out there that God has equipped to help you. Find them! Do you know someone that you've heard share about their journey? Those are the best people to talk! You know they have a testimony themselves they've been willing to share, and they can be a great place to start. Be very leery of people who always talk about listening to other people's problems, but never share anything about themselves. Remember that James said to confess "Together."
I hope you are encouraged by this blog! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! We all have made many mistakes, and "fallen short." (Romans 3:23-24) But thanks to the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ, we can experience forgiveness, hope, and healing! He's where It all begins. Believe the promises and truth found in the Bible! Check out Romans 10:9-10 & 13 and I John 1:9, you can start a new life right now. If you are a believer and find yourself sick like Jordan that day at the trash can, make the decision to live out James 5:16., and if you need someone to share with and don't know where to turn, we would love for you to shoot us an email. Let us know how we can help, and we will utilize the resources we have to find you a safe place where you can "throw up" too. E-mail me at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you and pray for you.
As always, thanks for your love, support, and prayers for me, Donna, and our family as we continue to walk this awesome journey of faith. We appreciate your support. As we continue to walk by faith, we would appreciate your financial support. Checks can be made out to weDIGit and sent to 504 Tumbleweed, Forney, TX. 75126. Thank you in advance for your support. You can also use the donate button on our page and give as you are led. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook too! Be Blessed!!